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Mario 28th March 2010 03:46 PM

EasyBCD (0xc0000135) application error.
EasyBCD is a wonderful piece of software from NeoSmart Technologies that lets you edit and configure the Windows Vista/Win7 bootloader. If when trying to install the software you get the error pictured below, it is because you need Microsoft .NET Framework. If you already have .NET Framework installed and you still get the error, it probably means you require a newer version. To download Microsoft .NET Framework visit it's homepage here. It is rather unprofessional of NeoSmart that instead of creating a custom error message that actually tells you what the problem is, they simply rely on that generic and rather confusing error message. They could surely create an error message that informs people that the program requires .NET Framework and even provide a direct link to download it. In conclusion; install the .NET Framework or upgrade your installed version.

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.

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