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Mario 3rd May 2009 05:13 PM

Does Fast Dial keep a user's private information on a server? Something strange just went down.
The other day, I re-formatted my drive and did a fresh install of Windows (XP, SP3, OEM) and associated software. I was shocked when it came time to reinstall my Firefox add-ons, namely, Fast Dial. After I downloaded it fresh from the official (secure http) website, it somehow loaded my previous saved pages that I had used before. (All nine of them) I was shocked and horrified. Unless I'm mistaken, this could only happen if it saved my settings on a server. But even if so, I use a dynamic IP, so how could it know it was me ? I must be missing something. What could it be ?

The answer:

It got my settings from my imported bookmarks. Whew, that makes sense. It keeps them in the bookmarks. :o

So, yes, I answered this myself, although it was originally going to be a genuine question. It's just that before I posted the question, I did some more thinking and BAM, It hit me. So I checked the bookmarks and there it was. Some people may already know this and maybe it's even noted in some documentation (who reads those, right?) anyway. Still, I will post this in case somebody else comes across this and thinks the same - 'cause for a moment there, I was like, freaking out.

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