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Maniac 24th September 2009 06:48 PM

ATI Eyefinity - HD5870 1GB
Have a look at this review:

Way to go ATI!!!

Mario 25th September 2009 06:39 PM

Re: ATI Eyefinity - HD5870 1GB
Are you getting any of AMD's new 58XX GPU's ? If yes, how soon and which version ? I mean if you don't get either the 5850/5870 within 3 months of their release you ain't jack. Nobody cares if you eventually get one a year later - understand ? That's not hard core. But you're the guy with a PS/3 now, eh ?

After reading that article, I notice many of the 5870's features are just catching up to or slightly surpassing my GTX-280, purchased mid '08. For example the memory bus is still only 256bit whilst current high end nVidia GPU's are using 512bit. The 5870 is just catching up to utilizing 1GB G-RAM, that the GTX-280 had since it's introduction over a year and a half ago.

What's the big hoopla about Eyefinity ? Most video cards let you easily use two monitors, or you could go for three with Matrox's TripleHeadToGo solution. But seriously, how many monitors will you connect ? I mean c'mon, this feature is just about useless for most normal users, not unlike tits on a bull. Do you honestly think using several monitors to create one large image is cool or nice ? Fuck off. No matter how thin a particular monitor's bezels are they are still visible and very annoying to most people. And the higher the resolution the more GPU power you'll need, obviously. Do you really think 2007's Crysis and most modern games will run well at super high (by today's standards) resolutions like 5750x2160 and above ? Go fuck. As for having a racing game or flight simulator using different monitors for different views/gauges etc, that I understand, but that can already be done perfectly as I described above. Is eyefinity an improvement on current options ? Sure. Is it really useful to the majority of people ? I should think not. Please let me know when you have, and permanently use, more then 3 monitors and after full and prolonged verification (at your expense) I shall pay you $1000. A the end of the day, using several monitors to create one image actually looks crap. The peripheral vision (left/right) stretches, menus are small, and overall, such a setup, quite frankly just looks shithouse. I'll stick with my 120Hz 30" LCD and nVidia's 3D Vision. To each his own, eh ?

WOW, I just finished the article that you linked to and I'm fucking blown away. But not by the 5870, rather by a current nVidia offering, the GTX-295, or even the GTX-285 for that matter. So even last year's nVidia GPUs hands down beat the 5870 by a long shot in basically every benchmark, and that's something to be proud of regarding the 5870 ? Oh, snap.

After reading that article (with it's dozens of spelling errors) I fell better. I feel better about what nVidia may release come November/January. If what they claim is true, that the next major GPU from them will be considerably faster then the GTX-295, than the future looks good.

At the end of the day I'm an enthusiast PC gamer. You aren't. (How's that PS/3 going ?) I get the best GPU no matter the brand. It just looks, so far, like nVidia gets my money - yet again. No sour grapes here mate.


Casper 18th December 2009 01:30 AM

Re: ATI Eyefinity - HD5870 1GB
well, looks like no new "major" geforce from nvidia this year. maybe march 2010, the rumors say. oh well.... i hope the fermi will be worth it.
in a way good thing too since i'm broke...

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