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Mario 19th August 2014 10:56 PM

Coles Swiss Style Cheese Slices.
Today I was at Coles and decided I was going to get some Swiss cheese to put on the sandwiches I would make. I could not find the particular brand I would normally get at IGA, so instead I opted for something I would normally, deliberately, not do - I chose the Coles brand. My dislike for the Coles brand comes simply from the fact that they (Coles) are basically muscling out other name brands in favor of their in-house Coles variety. They bully and pressure other companies to manufacture the same items for them or else they won't stock or shelf promote their items. In many cases, they no longer stock the name brands. Though that's another topic for another day. I have to say, I love this particular modest cheese pack. The pack itself is simple and resealable. That matters to lazy sods like myself. More importantly, this batch at least, was extremely fresh. The cheese is a wonderful color and omits a lovely odor. It's texture is smooth and silky. I consumed (Swiss) cheese that was not "super" (for lack of a better word) fresh before, and whilst good and perfectly normal, it's texture was not smooth and silky, like here. Anyway, I absolutely approve of this specific cheese product, hence making this thread. I still don't care for the Coles (or Woolworths for that matter) brands, because both are doing what I mentioned above. They are forcibly taking choice away from consumers. Still, I won't begrudge them this win. If you like sliced Swiss cheese (I assume calling it "Swiss Style" must be a copyright thing) I recommend you try these. The packs are transparent, so do make absolutely sure that the slices look fresh. As of today, it's regular price is $4.95. Reasonable.

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