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Mario 1st November 2009 01:00 AM

The $4 peach.
Today I went to the Applecross IGA to buy some hot Hungarian salami. Whilst there some lovely peaches caught my wondering eye. The price of those peaches was $19.99/kg. I got the salami and one peach, about the size of my clenched fist. (see picture). At the checkout I got a slight shock at the price of that one lousy peach - $4.10. I was stunned for a few seconds whilst deciding if I should buy it or not. I ended up buying it, and it tasted as good as it looked - but $4 for one fucking peach ? Fuck this cruel world we live in. I know why this is. Mainly, it's the jews. I won't bother going into details here. The conclusion is that I paid over four dollars for one peach. This is insanity, and I am insane.

Mario 29th November 2009 01:10 PM

Re: The $4 peach.
Four dollar peach, meet $1.40 apricot. I went to the Applecross IGA yesterday to buy some hot Hungarian salami. I saw the apricots on display, and decided to buy one. One dollar forty for a shitty little apricot ? I guess a fool is indeed easily parted with his money.

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