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Mario 19th July 2009 12:18 AM

The Witcher patch 1.5 - enough already!
The new and perhaps final patch for The Witcher is out. It stands at version 1.5 and people are going crazy for it. Why? Because, after nearly two years, it removes the requirement to have the disc in the drive. Big fucking deal. After nearly two years, any pirate worth his salt has played the game. What most these happy fools fail to realize is that this patch is unlike all previous patches, in that it is not cumulative. It requires the previous patch (v1.4) to be installed. And patch 1.4 was a bitch and a half to install even for legitimate customers of the game. Patch 1.4 conducted severe digital rights management before being successfully installed. Patch 1.5 is a red herring to fool the unwashed masses. Had patch 1.5 been a 2GB+ file that would work by installing it on any version of the game including the initial v1.0 retail release, then it would be an awesome patch. As it is, it's an abortion and an insult.

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