28th June 2009, 05:18 PM
Special Guest
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: @home
Posts: 627
Users can now close (or reopen) their own threads in this forum.
Members can now close (or reopen) their own threads in this forum. We strongly advise using this feature to close your own topics once an item is sold, no longer for sale, or finalized. (A moderator will then edit the post and change the prefix to SOLD. This will only be done to "for sale" threads. All other types of threads will be assumed finalized and no longer relevant once closed.) This should make it clear that a specific deal has reached a conclusion. To do this, simply view the thread you want to close and click on Thread Tools, in the upper right corner (see picture), which will then produce a pull down menu from where you can close (or reopen) your own thread.